Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories. Issue # 170: Jarad Vijay Part 3

After leaving the army, Jarad has made a life for himself as a translator. He waves goodbye to another of his rich students, and attempts to settle down by the fire with a nice cold beer and a book. CLICK HERE for next chronological story.

Jarad's back story, set in India (3990)
Jarad’s back story, set in India (3990)

10 thoughts on “Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories. Issue # 170: Jarad Vijay Part 3

  1. Hi Cheryl, brilliant another reluctant player – I love the characters you’re bringing together. Nice to learn a little more about Alex, too. Hope your Christmas went well, and have a great 2015!

    1. Thanks Richard, yes poor old Jarad can be easily manipulated by Alex, and he knows it! (Although she cares about him, she knows he’ll do anything for her, and she is quite utilitarian about it to her detriment). It’s the “General Merek” part of her which we don’t see as much in the earlier part of her life. Happy New Year to you too. I have some catching up to do with your photography.

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