Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories: Issue # 617: Aïcha Merek De Somme Part 2

After Eldenath had walked her to her mother’s cottage in their grounds, and said good night, Aïcha still felt useless, and decided to head towards the walk-in wig wardrobe, which contained all her mother’s wigs, given by her fans, after she lost her hair. Kat didn’t want it in the main house, as it contained hundreds of wigs and took up a lot of space. But Aïcha, had a gift, and that was to style her mother’s wigs for her forthcoming world tour.

Aïcha’s back story, set in LA, Civil Earth (1277 FD)

Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories: Issue # 556: The Biological Weapon (12 Year Anniversary Special Part 3)

The Guild Master’s General managed to convince (Future) Alexand Merek to agree to a candid interview with the reporter Cordelia (Bizzi) Gray from 101 Downtime News. Bizzi has no idea how he managed to secure this interview, but Alexand allowed the film crew to set camp in her grounds, and after a wardrobe change and an hour with the network’s makeup team, the interview is ready to commence. (For my magical son, Sam. Everyone else thought it was raining, but you knew they were all wrong.)

Bizzi (Cordelia) Gray’s back story, set on Civil Earth (1277 FD)

Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories: Issue # 486: Fighting Monsters

After checking that her cat was alright, watching the rest of Alexand’s recordings and waiting half the night for the sun to rise, Katherine felt herself falling asleep. She woke up in the middle of the afternoon, with Ali purring on her pillow, and a deep need to visit the family of the girl with Downs Syndrome, Alexand had donated her eye to, to see why exactly the family had ended up on the Kyuunansen.

Katherine’s back story, set onboard the Kyuunansen (3992)


Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories: Issue # 482: The Kyuunansen Part 2

Katherine walks back to her apartment, disorientated, attempting to come to terms with being stranded back in her own time, alone. (This issue is dedicated to Rainbow Railroad, a charity set up in Canada to enable people from the LGBTQI community to escape from persecution and relocate to safer countries.)

Katherine’s back story, set onboard the Kyuunansen (3992)