Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories. Issue # 61: Abouna Panak Part 2

It’s world Liberty Day. The Amanojuko have taken control, and are storming universities all over the world. Abouna Panak is an ethics lecturer, who now wishes he had some sort of weapon, and the ability to disappear, as crowds of militant National Guards, groomed by the Amanojuko, flood the building. (CLICK HERE for next chronological story)

Abouna’s back story set in Lagos University, Nigeria, (4006)

28 thoughts on “Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories. Issue # 61: Abouna Panak Part 2

  1. Sad to think that this story actually reflects our modern world and some of the events that are going on within it. Great job of building the intensity.

  2. Curiously compelling little snippet, is this, my dear CM!. Capital endeavour, I say!

    I wonder, will you tell us of your background as regards writing? Do you have an Arts and Letters background, or perhaps an MFA? Did you Study writing formally?

    Ah, but I had intended to ask but one question and that, if arithmetic serves, was three.

    1. Hi David, thanks for reading, I appreciate it. I’ve an arts background, an arts brain if you like 🙂 I studied fine art and humanities ( which involved some creative writing) in Glamorgan Uni (Wales) under Frances Woodley, Christopher Nurse, Sheenagh Pugh and Christopher Meredith. Then an MA graphic Design in The Surrey Institute of Art and Design, under Matthew Rampley (England) but the writing is mostly what I do all the time, and have done from an early age… pre education… I don’t have any formal qualifications in writing.

  3. From looking at your pieces with the illustrations they remind me very much of Alistair Gray. With the quirky yet involving style of writing and the interesting characters. One book which I highly recommend if you’ve never explored Gray is – Lanark, A life in Four Books. One of my favorite books ever.

  4. I keep reading and forgetting to say that I ‘like’ so this is a lot of likes both for the storyline and the illustrations. I lve the way the faces change with the emotions and angles just like sculpture.

    1. Thank you so much, (I love your use of colour to convey perspective in your work, as someone who rarely works with colour it’s a refreshing eye) Yes emotions are very important in the illustrations, I’m glad this translates 😀

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