Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories: Issue # 511: Fighting Monsters Part 6

Katherine had taken the two new refugees to her friend Jay Varma’s laboratory, as Jay is an expert on cloned technology, and the most qualified on board the Kyuunansen to help with Aamiina’s injuries. (Unbound Boxes Limping Gods is back after a break. Thank you to everyone for your support. The writer gives life to a story, the reader keeps it alive.)

Katherine’s back story, set onboard the Kyuunansen (3992)

Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories: Issue # 482: The Kyuunansen Part 2

Katherine walks back to her apartment, disorientated, attempting to come to terms with being stranded back in her own time, alone. (This issue is dedicated to Rainbow Railroad, a charity set up in Canada to enable people from the LGBTQI community to escape from persecution and relocate to safer countries.)

Katherine’s back story, set onboard the Kyuunansen (3992)



Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories: Issue # 2: Anesidor Sumian

Anesidor Sumian dreams of escaping from a gradually shrinking world and the confines of a disapproving society. Her story begins with a wish and is set over a century before her first appearance in my series of novels. (A Spanish translation is now available, by Hernán Jara Droguett.) CLICK HERE for next chronological story.

Anesidor’s back story, set in Maryland, North America (3929)

Images, story and characters, © Cheryl Moore