Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories: Issue # 482: The Kyuunansen Part 2

Katherine walks back to her apartment, disorientated, attempting to come to terms with being stranded back in her own time, alone. (This issue is dedicated to Rainbow Railroad, a charity set up in Canada to enable people from the LGBTQI community to escape from persecution and relocate to safer countries.)

Katherine’s back story, set onboard the Kyuunansen (3992)



Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories. Issue # 108: Xan Medani Part 2

Born in Egypt, Xan (Alexand Medani) was told by his mother, that his father was an Irish immigrant, who left her before he was born. He enjoyed a happy childhood, as despite her youth, his mother adored him. Unfortunately when he was seven, Egypt was declared a death camp, by the military. Xan’s mother managed to smuggle him across the Red Sea, to Saudi Arabia. They were separated on the journey and Xan never saw her again. As an orphan, Xan lead a nomadic life, wandering across country, never staying in one place for too long. He tended farms, begged and found food and shelter whenever he could. At the age of thirteen, whilst working on an apple farm in Iran, he began to lose his hair. The owners of the farm saw this as a bad omen, and he was chased away and told not to come back. Hungry and frightened, the teenager wandered the land trying to hide his alopecia from people. CLICK HERE for next chronological story.

Xan's back story set in Iran (3927)
Xan’s back story set in Iran (3927)