Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories: Issue # 626: Laboratory

After being apprehended by Haernyarn, clad in death proof armour, Xan, Xan and Xan are frog marched, at the command of Helga Ritter, into a gruesome laboratory, filled with horrors. Helga Ritter is unaware of the chromosome switch, and that she has captured three versions of the same person.

Xan’s back story, set onboard Floating Asylum Ship One, Mexico (3992)

Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories: Issue # 619: Helga Ritter Part 5

Retreating from the top deck, Helga Ritter rushes towards her laboratory, to secure the DNA samples of the cloned Merek twins. Her entire project has been compromised by the arrival of aggressive biological weapons, bearing resemblance to the original weapon, Xan Medani. (Unbound Boxes will return on Wednesday 6th December, as the writer has broken. Please catch up on back stories here. Thank you for your support.)

Helga Ritter’s back story, set onboard Floating Asylum Ship One, Mexico (3992)

Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories: Issue # 606: A Message of Monsters

Helga Ritter retreated from Gianti Dincrind’s laboratory, furiously intent on combatting the Amanojuko enemy. Unable to control this trigger, she feels sudden rage, something an Amanojuko Lady rarely experiences. She knows exactly how to cauterise this pain. (For new readers, please note, Helga Ritter’s views do not reflect my own. When fighting monsters, it is essential to understand the mind of our enemy in any world, reality, or fiction. LGBTQI+ and disability rights are human rights and a high proportion of the protagonists in Unbound Boxes belong to or are allies of these communities.) Featured song is “The Lavender Song,” (Das Lila Lied) written by Mischa Spoliansky and Kurt Schwabach in 1920.

Helga’s back story, set onboard Floating Asylum Ship 1, off the coast of Mexico (3992)

Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories: Issue # 599: The Haernyarn

Gianti Dincrind has co developed a more resistant strain of the haernyarn virus, to administer into subjects onboard Asylum Ship One. She has been ordered to test these newly turned haernyarn on the biological weapons technology inside the cloned bodies of the Merek twins. (The Coast of Laguna, Mexico, 3992)

Gianti Dincrind’s back story, set onboard the Floating Asylum, The Gulf of Mexico (3992)