Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories: Issue # 585: Asenath Bomani Part 3

President Bomani and Samira Ganesh escorted their prisoner, Inajda Rekaya from the maximum-security laboratory, and took her to another maximum-security facility for processing. The Prison of souls. Generals Grace O’Malley and Xan Medani hover in the observation chamber, watching the captured Inajda Rekaya brief Alexand Merek from inside the holding cell.

Asenath’s back story, set in Antarctica, in the Prison of Souls (3992)

Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories: Issue # 570: The Prison of Souls Part 6

Inajda thought it far too risky to take Alexand and Jarad to the Kyuunansen, as a temporary sanctuary, due to the fact Katherine De Somme is alive and well, onboard. Needing to avoid any potential encounters, (paradoxes) Inajda had no choice but to take her fleeing family to the most secure place in the whole world. The Prison of Souls.

Inajda’s back story, set underneath Antarctica, in the Prison of Souls (3992)