Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories: Issue # 483: The Kyuunansen Part 3

Despite it being two o’clock in the morning, Katherine hammers on Jay’s cabin door, after her encounter with the family who claim she is responsible for saving their daughter. Katherine needs answers. (This issue is dedicated to Rainbow Railroad, a charity set up in Canada to enable people from the LGBTQI community to escape from persecution and relocate to safer countries.)

Katherine’s back story, set onboard the Kyuunansen (3992)


Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories: Issue # 481: Angels from the Future Part 13

The Guild Master’s General returns Katherine to the safety of the Kyuunansen ship, after showing her a future world, which resembled heaven. (This issue is dedicated to my dad, Eric Moore, who died 25 years ago today, the day after my 21st Birthday. Alexand and Heyem were (or will be) born on 2nd December, so this day represents both death and life. Love outlasts death.)

Katherine’s back story, set onboard the Kyuunansen (3992)

Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories: Issue # 350: Time

Katherine has spent the past few weeks under Ajeeta Kothari’s strict rehabilitation programme, and her recovery has accelerated. She has been waiting to undergo an operation to restore her eyesight. There is a day to go, and she is getting impatient. (This issue is dedicated to Margot Kidder, one of my childhood heroes. You always were and will ever be the best, the funniest, gutsiest, most unpredictably brilliant and warmest, Lois Lane.)

Katherine’s back story, set onboard the Kyuunansen (3991)

Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories: Issue # 341: The Laboratory at the Edge of The World

Ajeeta Kothari escorts Katherine towards her shared laboratory, where research is being conducted into cloning, which has been illegalised on the mainland, by Amanojuko infiltrators within the governments around the world. Although Katherine remains suspicious of Kothari, Samira Ganesh has assessed she poses no threat to Kothari, and has left them to walk alone together towards the cloning lab.

Katherine’s back story, set onboard the Kyuunansen (3991)