Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories: Issue # 242: Katherine De Somme Part 14

Katherine woke up the day after her birthday, and made her way down to her laboratory to continue with her analysis of Juba Apfvarzian’s blood. When she arrived there, all of the samples had gone. There was no trace of her findings, and her research over the past few weeks has vanished.

Katherine’s back story, set in India (3991)
Katherine’s back story, set in India (3991)

6 thoughts on “Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories: Issue # 242: Katherine De Somme Part 14

  1. Nice teaser! I’m chomping at the bit for the next episode now – drawings maybe a little more fantastic than ever. Thank you, yours is always the first blog of the 126 I read.

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