Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories. Issue # 9: The Guild Master’s General

The Guild Master’s General is a mysterious man, who appears throughout time and place. Not much is known about him, apart from the fact he has created a lot of chaos in the lives of many. This story also features, Alexand Merek. CLICK HERE for next chronological story. A Spanish version is now available, translated by Hernán Jara Droguett.

The Guild Master’s General’s back story, set in India (3987)

8 thoughts on “Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories. Issue # 9: The Guild Master’s General

  1. Thanks, Ren. I think this works better, “landscape” as you don’t have to scroll down so much to read the story. I may try out some more landscape illustrations in future releases… 😀

    1. Hi, Cynthia, thank you. I’m seeking publication for the first manuscript, Unbound Boxes Limping Gods, (the second manuscript is called “The Guild Master’s General…” :D) Congrats on publishing The Malmont Vampires!

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